
Forms in Ving Tsun

In most systems, Kung-Fu and other martial arts, you learn the art section for section put together by a mock battle with an imaginary opponent. In this example, karate fights are known as kata. These sets of techniques are becoming increasingly difficult and the imaginary opponent increasingly better, just as the student progresses.

A major disadvantage of this teaching method is that the student is in fact a well crafted exercise. Teaches the same way as a ballet dancer learns his art. But what you do when a real opponent breaks the rules and not exactly attacks following the rules must still be explained.

Ving Tsun is best seen as a set of principles of martial arts in general.

In Ving Tsun are all basic movements collected.



There are three sets of movements:

  • "Siu-Lim-Tau"
  • "Chum-Kiu"
  • "Biu-Chi"

The first set, Siu-Lim-Tau, is the basis of Ving Tsun. The set includes basic movements which on the other sets are based.

The second set, Chum Kiu-, roughly translated means "to find the bridge. The movements of the Chum Kiu, make it possible for your opponent to come through "the bridge" formed by the arms. Chum Kiu are mainly in-balance, arm combinations, kicks and walking training.

The last set, Biu-Chi is a set that is primarily concerned with the escape from desperate situations and "emergency techniques".
